MZ EVENTS: A firm commitment to Gender Equality

MZ Events declares that the activities carried out for the certification were executed within the framework of the initiatives promoted by the Regional Program co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.

Milan, 07/25/2023


MZ EVENTS, a leading company in the event organization sector, is pleased to announce that it has obtained the certification for Gender Equality UNI-PdR125:2022.

This significant achievement reflects the ongoing commitment of the company in promoting an inclusive and representative culture, where men and women have equal opportunities for growth and professional development.


The gender equality certification is the result of a rigorous process of evaluation and independent verification, aimed at assessing the equality of treatment and opportunities within the organization. MZ EVENTS has demonstrated that it meets all the necessary criteria to obtain this important recognition, highlighting the attention given to its staff and gender equality practices.


“Gender equality is the foundation of company strategies towards human capital and is essential to ensure excellent performance based on talent and long-term sustainability,” stated Mauro Zaniboni, President of MZ EVENTS. “We are proud to have obtained this certification, as it reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team in creating a peaceful, collaborative, inclusive, and respectful work environment, where each individual is treated fairly and has the opportunity to develop their talent.”


In practical terms, MZ EVENTS has implemented several initiatives to promote gender equality within the company, committing to:

  • Create a welcoming work environment, free from any direct or indirect discrimination.
  • Ensure equity in all stages of the employment relationship, from the initial selection process to role assignment, from performance evaluation to professional development, from salary treatment to employment termination resolution.
  • Recognize the value of work-life balance by developing reconciliation programs and initiatives.


The achievement of gender equality certification is just the starting point for MZ EVENTS, which has simultaneously launched a support plan for young families and motherhood. The plan includes a series of benefits ranging from a company loan for the purchase of the first home to a more flexible parental leave, from recognizing a bonus for the birth of a child, to the possibility of requesting part-time work until the child’s third year, extending smart working and schedule flexibility.


“We want to develop an organizational model where working mothers are not disadvantaged in carrying out their work and contribute to creating a society where gender equality is the norm,” added Administrators Monica Sellari, Stefano Montalbetti, and Mauro Zaniboni. “We are aware that there are still challenges to conquered, but we are firmly committed to overcoming them and building a future where every individual can realize their potential without discrimination.”

MZ EVENTS would like to thank all employees, partners, and clients who have supported this journey towards gender equality. The commitment of each of them has made it possible to achieve this significant milestone.


Press Contacts:

Diana Valli

Head of External Relations


Phone: +39 0266802323 ext 991

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