MZ staff and social engagement activities

In today’s corporate landscape, more and more companies are embracing the important value of social responsibility.

The employees of MZ Events made a tangible commitment through three days spent at the Associazione Banco Alimentare della Lombardia ‘Danilo Fossati’ Onlus and a solidarity lunch at one of PizzAut’s restaurants, demonstrating how solidarity can become an integral part of corporate culture.

These initiatives not only helped to improve the lives of less fortunate people but alsostrengthens the sense of community among the employees themselves, reflecting our commitment to positive social impact.

Volunteering at the Banco Alimentare: a concrete commitment to the community

During three days spent at the Association Banco Alimentare of Lombardy, MZ Events employees played an active role in sorting, evaluating products and preparing pallets of foodstuffs which were then donated to local charities.

This activity not only provided objective support to those in need but also allowed employees to come into direct contact with the reality of less fortunate people, promoting greater social awareness.

Solidarity lunch at PizzAut: a local and social link

Solidarity activities did not stop at the Banco Alimentare.

The entire staff were able to have lunch together at PizzAut restaurant, a project based on an innovative model of social inclusion. In the chain’s premises, young adults with autism are trained and allowed to be as self reliant as possible, demonstrating how barriers are often only in our heads and not in our hearts.

On both occasions MZ Events Events also made a generous donation to the charities, helping to further support projects that are dedicated not only to local realities but to the good of the community.



What are the benefits for the company and the employees?

  • Growth of a sense of corporate community: Participation in solidarity initiatives creates a sense of community among employees, strengthening the bond between colleagues and improving the overall corporate culture.
  • Development of transversal skills: Solidarity activities provide fertile ground for the development of transversal skills such as teamwork, leadership and time management, contributing to the professional advancement of employees.

The solidarity activities performed represent a simple and brilliant example of how companies can integrate social responsibility into their corporate culture. These initiatives have not only generated tangible benefits for the community but have also helped to build a more cohesive and supportive work environment.

We hope that this experience will inspire other companies to follow our example, demonstrating that economic success and social responsibility can go hand in hand.

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