Terra di flamenco, fieste e tauromachia
Durata suggerita del viaggio: 7 giorni.
1st European Symposium for Residents London 11-12 November 2023 We want to thank everyone who made this #FABS 1st European Symposium for #Residents at the venue of the prestigious Royal Academy of Surgery of England just incredible! Special thanks to the generosity of the amazing faculty that managed to present a high-level educational programme targeted to…
7th #ESPT Congress Copenhagen From 25 to 28 October The 7th congress of European Society for Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Therapy (ESPT 2023) was held in the beautiful city of Copenhagen. Leading international scientists and healthcare professionals, who are actively working in the fields of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy, gathered to exchange knowledge and enhance…
Iniziamo con una premessa doverosa: l’importanza di stabilire validi rapporti umani anche nelle relazioni commerciali è fuori discussione. Lo dimostrano anche i numeri: nel 2022, primo anno di ripresa degli eventi in presenza dopo la pandemia, quasi tutti i congressi hanno raggiunto numeri record di partecipanti. Le persone hanno voglia di incontrarsi per scambiarsi informazioni,…