In the past, we took the importance of wood in the environment for granted. Wood packaging represents a sector with a low environmental impact and is a virtuous example of a circular economy: from packaging, to the furniture panel industry.

Wood means respect for nature, reuse, recycling, caring for the future … and it is important to communicate its value to the best of our ability. The #Fefpeb congress was a great opportunity to unite, build a strong network, and discuss the future of wood packaging and more.” – Ezio Daniele, President Assoimballaggi.

250 participants, 23 sponsors, 9 speakers from Europe, the U.S., Canada, Brazil and Australia attended the 70th edition of the FEFPEB – Federation europeenne des fabricants de palettes et emballages en bois – European congress organized by FederlegnoArredo’s Assoimballaggi. Three intense days of debate and discussion on important issues for the future of wood packaging in Europe.

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Congressi Medico Scientifici